About Us
Although Veloopti Pty Ltd was founded in 2017, our roots started in 2011 when 3 guys got together with a vision to create a monitoring platform that could handle the demands of enterprise organisations while remaining easy for small organisations to enjoy. During the next 6 years Ron, Nigel and David knuckled down to bring that into a reality.
With over 40 years of combined experience implementing monitoring systems all over Asia Pacific, the team at Veloopti understand the needs of growing business'.
In September of 2011 Dave, Ron and Nigel have a discussion about building software that monitors servers and applications to be available through a SaaS offering. We decide to call it “Veloopti” and we register the domain name. Because we are busy working at CodeWhite it is not taken any further.

We start working with FOXTEL in January 2013 and begin developing an application that can monitor the FOXTEL Go iPhone app from multiple ISP's with the results centralised on a single server.
July 2013 sees the first version deployed for the monitoring of the FOXTEL Go iPhone app. We call this version "Faultline" as it's not as extensive as what we envision Veloopti to be.
Once again our time is consumed by our day jobs and another year passes until August 2014. We hire a developer to write the agent code that will run on multiple OS's.
In September 2014 we upgrade Faultline with more functionality so it is more than a place to view application performance dashboards. We enabled users to create their own graphs and introduced the concept of a "node" so they can see where the data comes from.

By January of 2017 we are working on developing Veloopti. This was a major decision by all of us as it meant that we would be working on building Veloopti full time.
In July 2017 we again upgrade Faultline with more functionality. This was to make it more user friendly which meant giving it a new GUI that worked on an mobile device. Faultline also allowed people to run actions on servers to help diagnosing issues. There also was a variety of permissions created to allow a level of control over users.
We enlist the help of a graphic designer in January 2017 to help with the user interface. He radically redesigns it and makes it what it is today.
In July 2017 we finish the first version of Veloopti. It was based on the well tested Faultline but was multi-server with full redundancy throughout. We start running it alongside Faultline to compare performance.
After another year of developing and testing in August 2018 we migrate the users from the Faultline version to the Veloopti version.
On 4th of September 2018, Veloopti Pty Ltd was registered as an Australian company.
In April of 2019 Veloopti was released as a SaaS offering for the first time.